SCADA & PLC Integration
iPortman systems can integrate the SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) & PLC (Programmable Logic Controllers) to a historical data server. We are able to utilize a variety of HMI software package over a number of network infrastructure types.Integration with SCADA for capturing the operational data of conveyors, belt weigh bridges, stacker and re-claimers.
Capture rate of discharge, idle time, and capacities in loading, unloading, yard management functionality of iPortman
Real time integration with SCADA to capture the required tag data and alarms on web services or connector.
Weigh Bridge Solution
iPortman can easily integrate with weigh bridge software capturing the required fields and keeping them in a common intermediate staging tables.Import and export related weighment can be captured as per the real time truck movement
iPortman will provide secure weighment with various facility like CCTV Image capture facility, RFID integration, barrier gate integration, etc.
iPortman weighbridge software solution is designed to help you to manage and track the critical information created at the time of weighing trucks in an easy and flexible manner.
Gate Management
iPortman supports on line and off line mode of transportation for import and export.Also it supports smart cards for total operations in the port entry after entering the pre-gate, the unique FRD & FIR number will be issued and carried out for the entire transactions
Truck movement and position can be tracked in iPortman System which gives an idea of the current location of the truck.
Dash boards helps in providing the information of the canceled trucks and the status of the number of trucks handled during the day, last 1 hour and last 12 hours.
Reports which gives a detailed list of how many trucks handled, which vessels cargo handled, exporter cargo handled, total no.of trucks, truck turn around times, stockyard positions, etc.
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