iPortman-Container Repair and Maintenance enables to maintain multiple contractors and allows to set up a particular contractor for a particular customer.
It maintains inventory and stocks for M&R usage and also maintains the rates of respective creditor /supplier /vendor and their standard scope of work and charges for separate customers. The rate master files are effective and periodic, and prompt renewal in case of expiry.
- Maintains material price and man hour prices in slab rate format, which can be charged by way of quantity used or quantity range
- Maintains storage rates with respect to the size of the containers. Different types and sizes of container will have different rates and free day. LOLO In, LOLO Out can also be maintained by the type and size of containers
- Supports storage charge right from gate in date or complete repair date
- Supports storage rate in slab rate format. The slab rate can be charged on a daily basis or periodically and allows user to define the storage billing schedule either on a daily, weekly, monthly or fortnightly basis
- Maintains rates by types and sizes for all the services like repo haulage, normal /chemical washing, sweeping, PTI
- Maintains M&R hour rate by types and sizes instead of a single standard rate
- Records the condition of the containers and rejects them if they do not meet the storage criteria
- Linked with pre-gate-in process to avoid double entry into the system
- Captures necessary information about the container for gate-in movements
- Able to deduct the stocks or parts utilized during M&R and sends request for new ones. Also a single work order can have multiple billing representatives. For example, a repair invoice can be billed to a user, a container owner and an insurance company
- Only approved EOR and completed work order can proceed with invoicing
- Enables to create normal booking (book by quantity) or special booking (book by container number)
- Allows user to waive off the booking quantity in case of a shipping pre-alert on some wrong quantity being shipped out. Prior approval may be needed here.
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